Terms and Conditions of Trading
Please ensure you read and comply with the following Terms and Conditions for trading with R B Vernon Ltd.
Any company or person found to be in breach of these conditions on site will be evicted without reimbursement of any monies paid for the concession.
These Terms and conditions form part of your contract together with your Offer to Trade and event specific Traders Information.
Make sure you understand these T&C’s and ensure you are willing and able to comply with them.
- Payment for stalls must be made before the date specified on the offer letter. Non payment by that time will result in the site being reallocated.
- Sub-contracting stalls or a part of stalls, by traders is not permitted, and traders must only sell goods specified in their application form.
- Traders must set up at the time specified in the Traders Information for each event and at no other times. No company/person will be allowed to trade without prior arrangement.
- You are paying for a space and no other facilities will be provided. There are no guarantees for particular positions on site. Depth of stalls will be determined by frontage booked. Where possible, there will be an allowance for a vehicle and camping behind each stall though this is not guaranteed, we only guarantee the same depth as the frontage booked. Any encroachment beyond the allotted space would have to be paid for and/or could be construed as breach of contract.
- Any illegal substances, including magic mushrooms
- Any poppers, laughing gas, amyl nitrate products/GBH etc or any “legal” or “herbal highs”
- Any CBD derived products.
- Nitrous oxide and any items associated with the taking of nitrous oxide, including, but not limited to balloons, cream dispensers, and Co2 dispensers
- Alcohol of any description including vodka jellies.
- Any cigarettes, tobacco and/or associated products without prior approval.
- Any vapes and/or any associated products
- Any unauthorised records, CDs, video, tape or any other format recordings, as well as and including audio and video recorders
- Any item purporting to be official, or un-official festival merchandise of any description or with regard to any of the bands appearing at the festival
- Any “Black Henna”, tattoos or body piercings
- Any glitter other than purchased from https://www.bioglitter.com/ proof of purchase must be retained and available for inspection on site.
- Magnetic jewellery, plastic suction jewellery
- Any gas canisters or any aerosols, spray cans, nitrous oxide or oversized lighters
- Any item made out of glass, including but not limited to glass bottles, jars and containers
- Any Chinese sky lanterns, handheld candles, flares, potted candles, fireworks, smoke canisters or petrol burners
- All drones
- Any portable laser equipment and laser pens
- Any airhorns or megaphones, beer bongs, or funnels.
- Any item which may reasonably be used as a potential weapon, is distinctively a weapon, and all knives
- Any unofficial tabards or reflective jackets
- Any umbrella or parasol
- Any Bullet belts
- Any items not mentioned on the Offer to Trade letter.
- Counterfeit or unlicenced goods of any nature.
- Balloons
- Any full face masks of any kind including balaclavas
- Plastic packaging of any kind, including straws, food packaging, carrier bags etc.
- No black waste bags to be brought to site. only clear or tinted bags may be used.
- Event specific prohibited items will be defined in the traders info for each event, prohibited items may change depending upon sponsorship activity.
General Conditions
- Festival Organisers may confiscate any goods of a sexist, racist or offensive nature, or any product that offends for cultural appropriation reasons..
- All traders must display signs with their business name and address and price lists in a visible location at their stall. Any descriptions of goods made by traders must be accurate.
- Employers Liability and Public Liability Insurance must be on display in stalls at all times. Traders must meet all employers legal Health & Safety responsibilities to their staff and must ensure contractors delivering to/working on their stall are suitably insured.
- Public Liability Insurance must cover you to a minimum value of £10 million.
- Employers Liability Insurance must cover you to a minimum value of £5 million.
- Traders must ensure their staff adhere to the published pass system. Pitches are sold with an allocation of trader passes. Extra passes cost the same as event tickets. Vehicle passes are non-transferable and must not be switched to another vehicle.
- No animals are permitted on Festival sites.
- All vehicles are brought on site at their owners’ risk, and must be suitably insured. Only diesel powered vehicles may remain on site during the licence period. Petrol vehicles must be parked in the traders’ car park off site when stalls are operating. Only authorised vehicle movements may take place during the licence period. 5-mph speed limits are in force on all sites at all times. No motor cycles, quad bikes or buggies are permitted on site. Traders are responsible for arranging that delivery vehicles have all necessary paperwork and passes prior to arriving at vehicle gates. Delivery firms must be told they come on site at their own risk.
- Traders must comply with legislation relating to Health, Safety, Hygiene, Noise at Work, Working at Height and smoke free legislation. Traders are not permitted to start trading until they have completed a health and safety checklist.
- Traders are responsible for keeping both the 10 metre area in front of their stalls as well as their back of market space tidy and free of rubbish. Traders leaving any rubbish, refrigerators, furniture, equipment or structures will be charged for the cost of clearing their site and disposing of the rubbish – and may not be invited back to trade at future events.
- Waste water must be put in the containers provided and not poured on the ground or into streams. The dumping of sumps is prohibited at all sites.
- It is essential that all traders have appropriate fire extinguishers for their stalls. Food traders require 5kg Dry Powder extinguishers and fire blankets.
- All gas equipment in catering units must have current safety certification. Safety precautions regarding storage of bottled gas must be followed. Bottled gas can normally be purchased from the supplier on site
- Traders are not allowed to bring straw on site. Under no circumstances can traders have straw inside their stalls, irrespective of weather
- Electricity for markets traders will be provided on site. Generators are not permitted. Traders who pull more power than agreed will be disconnected and closed down. All electrical equipment on site must have a current safety certificate.
- Food traders must use compostable, biodegradable disposables including wooden cutlery. Traders must ensure taps are not left running or connect to public taps.
- No broadcasting of sound or visual images (including transmitting or casting text messages or other material to mobile phones) will be permitted by any trading staff or from any stall without prior permission.
- The use of the festival logo on any goods is strictly prohibited.
- The use of the festival logo on any website is strictly prohibited without prior consent.
- Traders are required to cooperate fully with Officials – including site management, security, the emergency services, the Police and all official organisations of the site – such as the Environmental Health Officers, Fire Officers, Customs and Excise staff, the Environment Agency, Trading Standards Officers and Inland Revenue staff.
- R B Vernon Ltd will not accept responsibility for the level of trading at an event. No rebates will be given to traders as a result of adverse weather conditions, changes in performance programmes, resiting of acts to different venues, nor as a result of any changes in the layout of trading areas.
- Traders must comply with any site specific requirements to enable the event to run within licence constraints, any site specific requirements will be outlined in the Traders Info for each event.
- If a trader is closed down and/or evicted from site for contravening an event licence, any of these Terms & Conditions or prescribed health and safety or environment health standards, they shall not be entitled to any rebate.
- If a trader is denied access to site for breach of these conditions they shall not be entitled to any rebate.
- Traders may display in front of their stall – but must not extend beyond a maximum of one metre. In some trading runs even that may be too great and may impede crowd movement. Traders must respond immediately if asked to remove any racks or boards by festival management or security. As this is a crowd safety issue, failure to respond immediately will result in the stall being closed.
- If the Festival is cancelled for any reason in its entirety before the first admission of attendees to the Festival Site on the first day of the Festival (including, without limitation, as a result of a Force Majeure Event), we shall refund to you all of the payments you made to us for that Festival. All refunds due shall be made after our monies refunded from the Festival are cleared and the repayment of such monies shall be our sole liability to you .
- If the Festival is cancelled for any reason either in its entirety or in part after the admission of attendees of the Festival to the Festival Site (including, without limitation, as a result of a Force Majeure Event) we shall not be under any obligation to refund to you any of the payments you made to us and we shall have no liability to you in these circumstances.
- VAT is charged in accordance with the VAT status of the event. Event status can change at anytime and is determined by HMRC guidelines.
Traders Health & Safety Supplement
Safety is everyone’s responsibility and it involves good planning and preparation. Working with awareness and considering the consequences of all our actions, is the basis of safety at work during the event. The effectiveness of this Policy will come from the individual and combined efforts of us all. Without the commitment and participation of all employees the goals of this Policy will not be achieved.
Trader’s Employees General Duties
- All employees are expected to co-operate with Market Management Teams and event officials to ensure the goals of this policy are attained.
- Employees are not to recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety.
- Employees should inform their Market Management Team or any other official of any unsafe act or unsafe condition which they believe to be a risk to health and safety.
- They should be alert to potential dangers to safeguard the health and safety themselves their colleagues and anyone else who could be effected,
- They should report to their Market Management Team any ailment, which could affect the health and safety of themselves or others at work.
- They should not expose themselves or others to unnecessary risks.
We are an equal opportunity employer. Applicants will not be recruited if thought not to be capable to undertake the work available. Experience, competence, formal qualifications and certification as required will need to be confirmed.
Safety-Information & Training
All employees will be informed of safety measures taken to control risks during work. Hazards will be identified, and where possible removed. Where it is not possible to remove the hazard, the hazard will be controlled. Safety information and associated control measures relating to any hazardous substances used will be given to employees. Safety information will be given during training and at meetings arranged in each area. Feedback on safety points are encouraged and should be passed to the supervisor. All employees are expected to perform their task in accordance with the information and training provided.
Protective Clothing
No one will be allowed to work unless equipped with all essential protective clothing for the particular operation. Essential protective clothing will be expected to be supplied by all contractors so that work may be carried out safely and efficiently. Defects in protective clothing should be reported to their supervisors and damaged clothing replaced. Employees of RB Vernon Ltd. will be supplied with essential safety equipment such as hard hats and disposable gloves. Other safety equipment such as protective footwear and waterproofs must be provided by the employee if needed.
At all work sites, both during and after completion of any work operation, the site should not create a risk of harm to anyone, particularly children. The General Public and contractors should be warned of any hazardous conditions or work to which they may have access, using notices, fencing or any other effective means.
Fire points are situated in each area, your supervisor will advise you where. Become familiar with the location of fire extinguishers, and understand the procedures for evacuation if you work in marquees or other structures.
All substances and materials on site should be as safe and secure as possible.
- Only drivers aged 21 or over with a full, clean licence will be permitted to drive vehicles.
- Drivers of vehicles and those who are to operate machinery are not permitted to drink alcohol or be under the influence of drugs.
- All materials and articles should be transported safely, with regard to workers and the public; special care should be taken during loading and unloading.
- Supervisors are to ensure that all loads are secured
- Movement while the public are onsite will not be allowed.
- Contractors should ensure the safety of all others while manoeuvring and unloading materials.
- All manual handling should be carried out with due regard for safety.
- Only vehicles making essential journeys will be permitted to drive on site. 0fficials will stop vehicles to ask their destination and why. Vehicles may be impounded if necessary, so please pass this message on to all vehicle owners.
- Passengers must not be carried on any part of a forklift and under no circumstances should people ride on forks unless a purpose built ‘man-cage’ has been secured and attached. Drivers should be experienced and competent and are responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of their machine.
Work Equipment
- All work equipment should comply with all the relevant legislation and machinery regulations whether owned or hired they should be properly serviced and maintained.
- Machinery should be suitable for the work and guards and hazard signing be in place as required.
- No guards or controls should be removed or tampered with.
- Machinery should be immobilised and placed in a secure area when not in use.
- Any breakage, faults or defects in any work equipment should be reported immediately to the Market Management Team
- Defective machinery likely to cause a safety hazard should be immediately removed from use and isolated until repaired or replaced,
- Only experienced and competent operators will be allowed to use machinery. Formal Certification is required for many operations.
- Only small amounts of fuel for portable machines should be stored.
- Fuel should be kept in sound metal containers with secure caps, marked with Inflammable Liquid Hazard warning label, or in special plastic containers conforming to SI 1982/830.
- Storage areas are to be secure and marked with appropriate warning signs
- Care should be taken to avoid contamination of machinery and the environment any spillage should be contained and cleaned up with the appropriate absorbent material.
First Aid
All employees will be told who the first-aider(s) is for their area. Each area will have an appropriate first-aid kit, and its location should be known to everyone immediately before, during and after the event telephone and radio contact can be made with Emergency Services via communications. First Aid posts are to be clearly located on the site plan for this period. All employees are to ensure that they familiar with the procedures for first aid and requesting medical assistance.
Sanitation and Hygiene
Toilet and washing facilities are located in all areas of the site – become familiar with them.
Washing hands before eating, drinking, smoking is essential and removes risk of contamination and illness.
There are numerous toilets available on the site, you should use them.
Near-Misses and Accidents
The Market Management Office contains an accident log, and its location is to be notified to all employees.
All accidents and `near-miss’ incidents must be reported to your Market Management Team
Appropriate preventative action is to be undertaken by the area officials and the Market Manager notified.
All near misses and accidents should be recorded in the accident book and all serious or dangerous occurrences require a RIDDOR report.
Electrical Safety
- All electrical installations and equipment will meet the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and conform with BS 7909 regulations
- Power equipment, cabling and plugs are the responsibility of the electrician, no employees may interfere, or attempt repair of electrical equipment. Interference or attempted repair of electrical equipment by anyone other than the electrician is a criminal offence.
- Any underground cabling will be identified and no work is permitted near there without permission of the electrician.
- In sheds and stalls where electrical equipment, lighting, and domestic equipment is used, regular checks should be made on plugs, cable wear, the safe layout of cables.
- If a fault is suspected in any circuit or apparatus e.g. because of a repeated blowing fuse, the electrician should be called and the appliance taken out of use.
- Circuit breakers should be provided and should be used: Plugs should not be overloaded.
- Extreme care should be taken in placing any electrical equipment close to the power lines. It should be avoided if possible because of the potential of induced electric fields. All structural work should be authorised by the Market Manager.
Fire Safety
Adequate exits must be provided for the numbers of persons within the unit or stall (Staff and customers must be able to evacuate easily if the normal exit is blocked)
Sufficient directional signs indicating the appropriate escape route must be displayed in your unit/stall All exits must be maintained, unobstructed and unlocked at all times the premises are in use.
You must have emergency back up lighting should the power supply fail (this could be as simple as a torch but must be kept available)
You must have an adequate number of fire extinguishers/fire blankets available in prominent positions and easily available for use
Your fire-fighting equipment must be in test ie tested within the last 12 months and a current certificate of compliance available.
Your staff should be instructed in how to operate the fire-fighting equipment you have provided
Make sure your staff have been made aware of what to do should an incident occur, how to raise the alarm, evacuate the unit, and the exit the location.
You should identify combustible materials that can promote fire spread beyond the point of ignition such as paper/cardboard, bottled LPG etc and reduce the risk of them being involved in an incident by removing them from the immediate area.
The structure, roofing, walls and fittings of your stall or unit must be flame retardant. Note: certificates of compliance will normally be required
If any staff sleep in the stall there must be a working smoke detector and a clear exit route at night
Note : Persons should not be allowed to sleep within a high risk area and some Authorities and events do NOT allow any sleeping within units.
You must not stock or sell certain items, i.e. fireworks, garden flares, household candles, tea lights, etc
Petrol generators are not permitted on site
Gas Safety
Gas cylinders must be kept outside, secured in the upright position and out of the reach of the general public
Are appliances must be fixed securely on a firm non-combustible heat insulating base and surrounded by shields of similar material on three sides
The cylinders must be located away from entrances, emergency exits and circulation areas
Gas cylinders must be readily accessible to enable easy isolation in case of an emergency
Ensure that all gas supplies are isolated at the cylinder, as well as the appliance when the apparatus is not in use
Ensure that only those cylinders in use are kept at your unit/stall (Spares should be kept to a minimum, a gas supplier will be at the event to sell you extra gas cylinders)
A member of staff, appropriately trained in the safe use of LPG, must be present in the unit / stall at all times
Ensure that you are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions.
Please wash yourself in the hand basins provided as often as you are able and always before handling food.
General Public
If working during the event special care should be taken to protect general public. Attention should be given to warning them of hazards, and being prepared for unexpected responses from those who may be disorientated or unaware
Drug Abuse – the abuse of alcohol and substances including solvents
Drug abuse can impair judgement and performance, and put at risk the drug taker, fellow employees, contractors, the general public and the environment. Any employee unfit through this will not be allowed to work.
Smoking is not allowed in any structure, the appropriate signage must be on conspicuous display
Discipline, Appeals and Complaints
All traders have a duty to co-operate with the Licensee and to comply with the law in matters of health and safety. Failure to do so or to follow safe working practices after receiving suitable advice and encouragement may result in disciplinary action.
This is dependent on how serious the offence was and whether or not it was an isolated incident. Disciplinary action could consist of verbal or written warning, suspension or eviction for cases of misconduct. Anyone given a verbal warning which is considered unjustified may ask for it to be referred to the Market Management Team. Prior to dismissal or suspension the Market Management Team will make an investigation. Appeals should be made to the Market Manager within 7 days by email to concerns@rbvernon.com .
- Services Personnel: Where you are required to engage individuals to assist you in providing your Services (such as agency staff and independent contractors) (“Services Personnel”). You shall be solely responsible for verifying that every member of your staff holds legal entitlement to work, and you shall comply with all legal requirements including carrying out age, passport and immigration checks on your staff if legally required to do so.
- You shall confirm that any third party you contract with for the provision of Services Personnel carries out similar checks on the Services Personnel before they are engaged by you to assist you in providing the Services.
- You shall comply, and shall procure that your staff shall comply, with any applicable laws, statutes, regulations and codes of practice including without limitation: Modern Slavery Act 2015; National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage; Employment Status and IR35; Agency Worker Regulations 2010 / Pay as You Earn / National Insurance contributions (“Regulations”); and shall always maintain adequate policies and procedures designed to ensure compliance with the Regulations.
- You shall confirm that any third party you contract with for the provision of Services Personnel imposes similar requirements on the Services Personnel before they are engaged by you to assist it in providing the Services and has similar policies and procedures designed to ensure compliance with the Regulations.
Photography & Video
- Each event takes its accreditation assets (wristbands) seriously. It is an offence to photograph your wristbands and post them on any social media or web site prior to or during the event.
- Please ensure your staff are aware that posting of images of show wristbands is not allowed.
- Offenders may have their wristbands removed and be expelled from the event site.
- Posting images or video on any social media or web site showing the event site prior to the event opening to the public is not allowed. This includes any images or video of the Arena before the Arena is opened on each day.
- The event logo is the intellectual property of the event and the use of the event logo is strictly restricted, the use of the logo must not be used to promote your business in a manner not officially approved by the event. This applies, prior to, during and after the event.
- Contravention could result in forfeiture of your trading pitch without refund.
- The use of the event logo and such terms as “Official Merchandise”, “Official Partner” etc is strictly prohibited.
Complaints about Health and Safety should be made initially to your supervisor, who will attempt to rectify the problem. If an appropriate resolution is not obtained the employee may refer the matter to the Market Management Team for discussion with the Market Manager and others if appropriate.